
The Sisters Project combats negative stereotypes of Muslim women by showcasing the diverse stories of women across Canada, while also creating a space of inclusion and belonging for all self-identifying Muslim women to embrace and celebrate their unique identities

Created by Alia Youssef



“I would just love to be perceived as I am. Flaws and all. I feel like growing up I always wanted to be seen a certain way, and especially after converting, I was afraid of making the wrong decision or making a mistake...  I think just having everyone see me as someone who’s growing and learning day by day would be the best way to be seen.”

Davi is 24, works at the International Women of Saskatoon where she helps run the LEAD program for immigrant and refugee children, and is a student in the college of education at the University of Saskatoon. She hopes to attend law school after graduating in order to work with education laws and regulations.  She told me, “I value the opportunity to give back and create a safe space for newcomers where they can be comfortable with their culture, religion, and overall identity.” Davi’s proudest accomplishment was “going back to school and finishing high school and applying to university. I had to grow up at a really young age and due to circumstances that restricted me from getting a proper education. Now I am so thankful for being able to attend school, meet new people, [and have] new experiences. I am thankful to everyone who helped me in the process.” When I asked Davi what’s most important to her she told me her religion. She continued to say, “accepting Islam was the best decision of my life. It gave me a family within the community, lifelong friends, the will to be a better version of myself. Most of all, it taught me to forgive others and ask for forgiveness for my actions which I think is something a lot of us struggle with.” Davi told me what’s been most challenging for her is knowing when to let go. She told me, “nowadays it is so hard to let a job, relationship, society expectations go because we’re so comfortable in it even though it might not be the best thing for us. But letting things go just leads to growth and happiness even though it might be hard at first.”

Q&A Feature:

What is one thing you know for sure?

“One thing I know for sure no situation or circumstance will ever stop you from being a better version of yourself. You can only grow from there.”

What is your favourite hobby or pastime?

“My favourite hobby or pastime has to be spending time with the people I cherish. Life is so short and moments are very precious that it is hard to see the unexpected. Anything from chilling in sweats to getting dressed up and having a good time, I'm there.”



