
The Sisters Project combats negative stereotypes of Muslim women by showcasing the diverse stories of women across Canada, while also creating a space of inclusion and belonging for all self-identifying Muslim women to embrace and celebrate their unique identities

Created by Alia Youssef



“Feeling the water with my feet, listening to the water move, and the constant flow of water reminds me that EVERYTHING will pass. And all with grace and beauty, the river reminds me of who I am.”

Souad Farag is 28 and a financial professional working as an Investment Development Director. What’s most important to Souad is creating positive energy for herself and others, to make life easier, and to connect people. This value can be seen in her avid volunteerism since she was in her youth. She co-founded a nonprofit called “GirlzNiteOut” with her sister when she was 21, an empowerment program dedicated to providing a safe and fun environment for young women to be themselves and grow. 7 years after the organization was founded, her proudest accomplishment is the sisterhood bonds she helped create and how parents tell her that, “because of the programs, their daughter(s) are better people; more focused, driven, caring, the women they are is in great part due to the programs they attended that helped shaped them as they discovered who they are and are capable of being.” Now “GirlzNiteOut” has developed into “HopeFemmeYYC” (Hope stands for: Harmony. Ownership. Passion. Empower.) It’s a movement that empowers women to take ownership and embody their passions harmoniously. When she is not working at her day job, attending to her role as executive director of HopeFemmeYYC, sitting on advisory boards, mentoring young people, or volunteering elsewhere, Souad loves being outdoors, reading, or finding a good adrenaline rush from sports or experiences. Souad told me what inspires her and motivates her the most is love. She continued, “Love yourself, love your creator, love nature, love others, love. Love love. Love being kind, respectful, punctual.” She hopes to be perceived as someone “who loves others, without condition.”

Q&A Feature:

What is a fun fact about you that you haven’t told me yet?

“I was always the banker when we played monopoly as children, and grew up to be a financial professional even thought I always wanted to be a teacher, which I am. But my full time career is banker. I love teaching, both young and adults. It’s such a beautiful way to make this world a better place.”

What is your favourite quality about yourself?

“Finding the positive in any situation, finding a way to get things done. I enjoy resolving challenges.”



