
The Sisters Project combats negative stereotypes of Muslim women by showcasing the diverse stories of women across Canada, while also creating a space of inclusion and belonging for all self-identifying Muslim women to embrace and celebrate their unique identities

Created by Alia Youssef



“I want to show that I can conquer the world if I want to. My hijab or low vision won’t stop me from doing what I love and want.”

Komal is 26 and a graphic designer working in Calgary’s Muslim community. When I asked Komal what she is most proud of she told me “it’s the small things that matter.” She listed examples of feeling pride when her design work helps her local community, or after helping organize fundraising events, most notably when she raised funds for the Orphan Sponsorship Program in partnership with Islamic Relief. When Komal is not helping her community, she loves to dive deep into a book, admitting she never leaves the house without her e-reader. Her own favourite quality is her compassion and ability to love. Komal’s biggest hope (and wish) is that one day she’ll be able to drive, despite her low vision. In spite of Komal’s positive energy, when I asked her what her biggest challenge has been, she admitted “every day is a challenge.” When I asked her if she could explain further she listed: “The challenge to be a good Muslim every day. The challenge to go to work and give your best while having the best intentions. The challenge of trying to be a good human being and making sure that no one is hurt because of your words or actions. From morning till midnight, we all face countless challenges. They may be different for different people. They may be big or small, but they are challenges nonetheless and require some sort of courage to deal with.”

Q&A Feature:

Where is your favourite place to find yourself?

“If it were up to me, I would move to the mountains.”

What is one thing you know for sure?

“We all need to learn to let go to make this world a better place.”



