
The Sisters Project combats negative stereotypes of Muslim women by showcasing the diverse stories of women across Canada, while also creating a space of inclusion and belonging for all self-identifying Muslim women to embrace and celebrate their unique identities

Created by Alia Youssef



“My biggest hope is to try and make a pathway for the youth and Muslim women to walk on without all the struggles I faced as a woman, as a Muslim, and as young adult not taken seriously enough too often. If I can't change a lot of those struggles, I have the hope of being a means of support where maintaining modesty in a society that encourages you to wear less, pushes you to break your personal creed and shames you for your personal values won't be something to stop you from anything your heart desires.”

Nisa is 22, is Saskatoon’s Regional coordinator with Islamic Relief Canada and sits as a member of the media communications and outreach committee at the Islamic Association of Saskatchewan. When she is not doing both those roles, she volunteers her time speaking about the experiences and perspectives of Muslim women at events in her community. (For example International Women’s Day, Church events, etc.) Nisa is very passionate about photographing people and places, event, wedding, party, and trip planning, and generally anything creative and DIY. When I asked Nisa what her proudest achievement is she told me “being able to continue to do what I love in many aspects of my life without letting all the backlash or negativity I face stop me from doing what I believe in. I come from a background where a lot of people around me aren't supportive of women being always at the forefront of leading a team, running events, starting new initiatives or advocating for the problem's women face till this day in our society. I will often be told its immodest of me to be in the public eye or a lot of the issues aren’t “too big” of a deal. Being able to stand up for myself and other young girls has only proven to me as teaching us all to be confident in ourselves and the power we have within us. Limits only exist in people’s minds.” Nisa’s favourite quality is that she is a very positive person. She told me, “I love people and try to do everything I do with my all. It is very hard for me to dislike or hold grudges against anyone, even if they’ve done me wrong or hold onto situations that didn’t go as planned and be upset about it for long instead of doing something to make it better.”

Q&A Feature:

How do you want to be perceived?

“I want to be perceived as I am. Strong but sincere, I want to be known as someone who will be the positive energy that brightens up someone's day. I want to be seen as someone who connects and attracts everyone through kindness and support. Always putting family and friends first but not afraid to speak up for myself and what is right or wrong.”

Where is your favourite place to find yourself?

“My favourite place to find myself is alone anywhere to connect with god. If it’s somewhere near a lake in the mountains at sunrise or sunset you won't find anyone but a Nisa deep within herself.”



